Thursday, September 27, 2012

the code

Generating XML from an SQL Database - 3 ways

Suppose you need to generate an XML file of, let's say, email addresses to pump into an XSLT transform to send out an email blast

there are 3 ways to accomplish this task

the easiest is to use FOR XML in the SQL
an example (as command text or in a stored procedure)
            DECLARE @StartAT INT
      SET @StartAt=1
      SELECT TOP 100 Empl.* FROM
            (SELECT RegistrationID AS RegistrationKey,
           FROM Registration
           WHERE ISNULL(CancelFlag,0)<>1
                  AND RegistrationID>=@StartAt) Empl
      ORDER BY RegistrationID
    FOR XML RAW ('Registration'), ROOT('Root'), ELEMENTS

this generates the following
    <FullName>Jane Doe</FullName>
    <FullName>Elaine Goode</FullName>
using ELEMENTS is the easiest to use and transform (and matches the format of the third option)
the downside is of this method that in SQL SERVER 2005 there is a limit of 2K bytes of XML data that can be returned this way-which isn't a lot for an email blast going out to hundreds, if not thousands of addressees
in code, declare an XMLDocument
this is the VB.NET command to populate the XML document - xmlAttendees is an instance of XmlDocument and cmd is an SQL command

a sesond way is to Fill a Dataset using a TableAdapter, then convert the resulting dataset to an XMLDocument
pretty standard ADO.NET - to come up with the same data as the technique above
remove the last line of the stored procedure or SQL
            DECLARE @StartAt INT
      SET @StartAt=1
      SELECT TOP 100 Empl.* FROM
            (SELECT RegistrationID AS RegistrationKey,
           FROM Registration
           WHERE ISNULL(CancelFlag,0)<>1
                  AND RegistrationID>=@StartAt) Empl
      ORDER BY RegistrationID
to insure the node names are the same as from the first technique -
         Dim ds AS New Dataset("Root") is the command in VB.NET to insure the root name will be Root
to name the ChildNodes declare a table mapping
         Dim dMap As DataTableMapping
         dMap = da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "Registration")
where da is the DataAdapter that populates a Dataset with the Fill method
once the Dataset is retrieved from the database use the following method to convert it to an XML document
   xmlAttendees = ConvertDatasettoXML(ds)

here's the method (in VB.NET)
    Private Function ConvertDatasettoXML(ds As DataSet) As XmlDocument
        Dim xmlAttendees As XmlDocument = Nothing
        Dim strWtr As StringWriter = Nothing
        Dim xmlTxtWtr As XmlTextWriter = Nothing

        strWtr = New StringWriter()
        xmlTxtWtr = New XmlTextWriter(strWtr)
        ds.WriteXml(xmlTxtWtr, XmlWriteMode.IgnoreSchema)
        xmlAttendees = New XmlDocument
        Return xmlAttendees
    End Function

the third method retrieves a Dataset using the same objects and tweaks as the second method
converting it to an XML document is done by writing it to disk, then loading the XML file just created into an XML Document
       Dim xmlAttendees As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument

Marianne Seggerman
Bruner Associates

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